Training Materials
Here are some training notes that will be useful if you wanted to
organise some training. Many places charge for such materials, but I
strongly believe in separating the content/material from the actual
delivery of the training. After all, if MIT could release their Open Courseware, why not us, FLOSS

This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons License.
For commercial usage, e-mail
At some stage, looking at the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL),
or even the Public Documentation License (PDL) might come in handy, but
the Creative Commons licensing does allow commercial use, you
just have to ask. For comments, changes in the document,
brickbats, bouquets, donations, etc... e-mail is the best way.
The material included will suffice for a 2-3 day course if you're
training trainers and want to be really thorough about it. It is
assumed however that the trainers are beginners, whom have never used
Linux (but maybe, heard about it). 3 days is comfortable so that there
allows Q&A and discovery sessions. Note that the slide format is
based on slides and notes, so don't forget that the notes contain other
useful tid-bits too!
These notes and user guide are very skewed towards Fedora Core 1, using
the GNOME Desktop. Patches to make them apply for others are welcome. The first take of these notes are part of the PC Gemilang campaign in Malaysia.
Last Updated: Thu Apr 29 15:34:28 EST
Colin Charles <>,
© 1996-2004